The Start of My Taylor Era

When I started my blog, one of topics I wanted to focus on was Taylor Alison Swift.  And with The Ears Tour coming up, and somehow getting tickets, I thought it would be fun to try and create my ideal setlist.  Ultimately with the content goal of updating the list when my Taylor era would change.  After much back and forth, I came to the conclusion that it might not be possible for this tour.  In my debut Taylor blog, Taylor's Errors Tour, I expressed my beliefs as to what a potential setlist may look like. 

After further ponderance on the subject, I suspect most of the performance will consist of "mashups" in an attempt to showcase as any songs as possible.  Taking a potential ~20 song act and doubling it to close to 40 songs or more.  Although I have my reservations about contorting the different Eras, it could lead to some very unique creations.  An example of what Taylor may bless us with is this "Bad Blood/Should've Said No" combo from The Reputation Tour:

After coming to this realization, I think it would have been a mute point to try to concoct such an extensive setlist.  There are too many variables, and trying to come up with over a dozen mashup ideas was exhausting.  Instead, I think it might be more interesting to simply update my own Taylor Era as May 12th, 2023 approaches.  I don't know if this is going to be a weekly or monthly occurrence, but it is something I have been wanting to try to express since I first started the blog.  

After discussing with other Taylor fans, I think I may consume Taylor's art in a similar manner as to how I consume TV and movies.  In my past blog about Don't Worry Darling, I opened up about how I enjoy mediums of entertainment, besides live sports, at my own pace.  This was pronounced when Taylor Swift released her 10th studio album, Midnights.

I tried to listen to the album straight through in order on my first listen.  I failed early on.  I failed because of track #2, "Maroon".  Repeat, repeat, repeat.  What a hit.  An instant Taylor classic.  It took me a couple of weeks to discover the best bridge on the album nestled in "Dear Reader".  If something doesn't stand out to me or I don't enjoy it, why would I force myself to endure it?  

This allows me to do two things.  First, enjoy the songs I like.  I thoroughly reject the logic surrounding "overplaying" a song.  Specifically regarding your own listening habits, not what is being played on the radio.  You simply enjoy a song, until you don't.  As I will discuss in the future, there's nothing wrong with a song "falling out of favor".   Second, I am able to "discover/rediscover" songs months and even years from now.  Just because I don't enjoy something now, doesn't mean I won't later on.  I like to think this process allows me to appreciate her art in an organic manner.  I am not forcing myself to like anything.  Instead, I feel like I am drawn to particular songs or albums at any given moment.

There are plenty of factors that go into how we perceive art, specifically music.  From the season and weather, to mood changes and life altering events.  Over this past summer, I fell in love with Reputation.  When I listened to "Dress", I was not ready for the level of sultriness that our Queen was able to express.  Tantalizing my eardrums the way Sirens attempted to enchant Odysseus.  It was such a shock that I don't even remember listening to it before.  I know I had, but that was the level of influence that Taylor was able to project with this song and album.  Over 5 years after the album's release, and Swift's first ballads for Joe Alwyn are standing the test of time, just like their partnership.

The trend of my Taylor Eras starting in the summer has gone from a pop 1989/Reputation infatuation, to a Folklore artistic ambiance towards the end of summer, into a Debut/pop/Lover/Midnights 3am fusion in the fall.  A constant evolution.  I don't know what spurs it on or where my next era will take me, but I am excited to analyze my own eras as they continue to evolve.  In fact, I think I am currently in the midst of an era change.  Stay tuned to find out more.



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